ALDUS® GALLERY EFFECTS(TM) 1.5: CLASSIC ART, Volume 1 ReadMe GENERAL INFORMATION PRODUCT SERIAL NUMBER Your unique product serial number is displayed when you open the Gallery Effects application. You can also display it from the Gallery Effects application by choosing "About Gallery Effects" from the "Help" menu. DON’T ALTER INSTALLED FILES Other than moving or copying the installed files as mentioned on the System Requirements and Installation Card, you should not move or delete any of the files installed by Gallery Effects. For example, you should not move or delete the items that are installed in the ALDUS or CLASSIC.GE directories. ABOUT THE ALDUS DIRECTORY Gallery Effects uses the ALDUS directory to store files that are shared with other Aldus products. ________________________________________ USING THE FREE GALLERY EFFECTS: CLASSIC ART, VOLUME 2 SAMPLER A FREE sampler from Gallery Effects: Classic Art, Volume 2 has been included to give you the opportunity to experiment with one of the effects from Classic Art, Volume 2. The Sampler is the Texturizer effect, which integrates an image with a user-selected surface texture. To use the Gallery Effects: Classic Art, Volume 2 sampler: 1. Open or paste the bitmapped image to which you want to apply the effect. 2. Use one of the Selection tools to select an area to which to apply the effect, or select the entire image. 3. Choose the effect from the appropriate menu. * In the Gallery Effects application, choose Texturizer from the Gallery Effects: Classic Art 2 cascading menu from the Effects menu. * In PhotoStyler, choose Texturizer from the Gallery Effects: Classic Art 2 cascading menu from the Image menu. * In Fractal Design Painter, choose Texturizer from the Filter cascading menu from the Edit menu. Note: For information about accessing plug-in filters in other host applications, consult their respective user manuals. The Effects Settings dialog box for the effect opens. The image is displayed in the left frame as a thumbnail view of the original image or selection. 4. Drag the preview frame over the part of the image you want to preview. The area within the frame appears in the box labeled "Before". 5. Click Preview to preview the effect. After a short delay, a preview of the effect applied to the framed image appears in the box labeled "After". 6. Click the Texture Controls button to access and change the texture settings. 7. Adjust the controls to experiment with different settings. Experiment using different textures by choosing a texture from the Type pop-up menu or by choosing "TIFF File" and using the textures within the TEXTURES directory or your own texture file in the TIF format. For specific information on the individual controls for each effect, click Help. After adjusting the controls, click OK to close the Texture Controls dialog box 8. Click preview to see the effect of the new settings. 9. When the effect is the way you want it, click Apply to apply the effect to your image or selection. Price for Gallery Effects: Classic Art, Volume 2 is: $99 (US) To order Gallery Effects: Classic Art, Volume 2, call 1-800-888-6293, extension 2. ________________________________________ INFORMATION ON USING THE EFFECTS 14 MB LIMIT ON IMAGE FILES The effects can work with images up to 14 MB in size, if your system can accommodate such large files. IMAGE MAY APPEAR DARK AFTER APPLYING CERTAIN EFFECTS If you apply certain effects to an image in which there is not much variation in brightness, the image may appear very dark. In particular, this may occur with Fresco, Dark Strokes, and Watercolor, since these effects are best suited for images with a wide variation in brightness. PREVIEW MAY NOT LOOK EXACTLY LIKE FINAL RESULT The preview in the Effect Settings dialog box corresponds as closely as possible to how the effect will look when applied to the entire image or selection. With some effects and images, there can be a discrepancy between the preview and the final result. This is because the preview shows the effect as it appears on a portion of the image or selection. To obtain a better indication of the final result, preview several different areas of the image before applying the effect to the image. IF PREVIEW FRAME IS NOT EASILY VISIBLE IN PREVIEW In rare cases, if you are working with an image containing a lot of noise, the preview frame in the Effect Settings dialog box may not be easily visible in the preview. The preview frame is actually there, but may not be easily visible because of the visual interaction with the image in the preview. To move the preview frame, move the pointer over the center of the preview; the cursor will change to a four-way arrow allowing you to move the preview frame. ________________________________________ INFORMATION ON THE GALLERY EFFECTS APPLICATION "GENERAL PROTECTION FAULT" WHEN OPENING GALLERY EFFECTS In rare cases, when opening Gallery Effects, you may get a "General Protection Fault " alert message. This occurs when Gallery Effects finds an older version of the ALDVM.DLL and ALDIM.DLL files on the hard disk. This problem can be addressed by moving the reference to the ALDUS directory to the front of the path statement in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Alternatively, if you’ve had previous versions of PageMaker on your system, the ALDVM.DLL and ALDIM.DLL files may be located in your WINDOWS directory. Compare the dates of these files with those in the ALDUS directory. If the ALDVM.DLL and ALDIM.DLL files within the WINDOWS directory are older than those in the ALDUS directory, then you should delete those in the WINDOWS directory. 14 MB LIMIT ON IMAGE FILES The Gallery Effects application can open and work with images up to 14 MB in size, if your system can accommodate such large files. NUMBERS MAY BE ROUNDED IN DOCUMENT INFO DIALOG BOX When specifying an image size in the New Document and Resize Document dialog boxes, in any unit of measurement other pixels, the numbers will be rounded to the nearest whole pixel value. Thus, the sizes in the Document Info dialog box may differ very slightly from what you specified. IF SMALL WHITE AREAS APPEAR WHEN PASTING INTO A SELECTION In some instances, pasting an irregular selection into another irregular selection may cause very small white areas to appear. If this occurs, try using the rectangle selection tool to select the image you want to paste and then paste it into the irregular selection. SELECTIONS WITH OPTA MONALISA OR RADIUS MULTIVIEW 24 CARD When using the Opta MonaLisa or Radius MultiView 24 graphics card, selections may blink on and off instead of appearing as moving dashed lines (marquee). OPENED IMAGES DON’T APPEAR When running Norton Desktop 1.0, images that are opened with Gallery Effects don’t appear. To remedy this, disable Desktop and run Gallery Effects under Windows, or upgrade to Desktop 2.0. If you’re using an ATi video board with the Crystal Fonts driver selected, images that are opened with Gallery Effects don’t appear. To remedy this, in Windows setup, select an ATi driver that doesn’t use Crystal Fonts. Certain programs that automatically load on startup, such as WindowMaker or Your Way, may cause images that are opened with Gallery Effects to not appear. To remedy this, temporarily disable the line in the WIN.INI file that loads the offending program. ________________________________________ INFORMATION FOR ALDUS® PHOTOSTYLER(TM) 1.1 USERS IF YOU CANNOT ACCESS THE PLUG-IN FILTERS If you cannot access the Gallery Effects plug-in filters from within PhotoStyler, be sure that you are using PhotoStyler 1.1 or later. IF AN IMAGE TURNS A SOLID COLOR, WHITE, OR BLACK AFTER APPLYING AN EFFECT Several effects (Charcoal, Chalk and Charcoal, and Graphic Pen) use PhotoStyler’s foreground and background colors when applying the effect. If both the foreground and background colors are the same color, the image will appear that color when applying one of the above three effects. You should make sure that the foreground color and the background color are different prior to applying one of these three effects. ________________________________________ FOR FRACTAL DESIGN PAINTER(TM) 1.2 USERS EFFECTS CANNOT BE PERFORMED ON MOVED OR PASTED SELECTIONS If you paste a selection into a document or move an existing selection, you can choose an effect but nothing happens. To overcome this problem, you should deselect the current selection and then reselect it prior to choosing an effect. EFFECTS CANNOT BE APPLIED TO FRISKETS Even though the effects can be selected from the Filter cascading menu when a frisket is present, Painter does not apply the effects to the frisket. FRISKET GETS CREATED AFTER APPLYING AN EFFECT If you make a selection and apply an effect, Painter creates a frisket from the selection. If you want to paint as usual, clear or shut off the frisket. NARROW VERTICAL LINE MAY APPEAR AFTER APPLYING AN EFFECT After an effect is applied on a rectangular selection (not the entire image), a vertical line may appear at the left edge of the deselected image. ***THE END***